Цель программы Бенгальской породы – создание домашней кошки, имеющей физические данные маленьких кошек, обитающих в дикой природе, но с ласковым характером, присущим домашним кошкам. Бенгальская кошка — это атлетически сложенное животное, мгновенно реагирующее на все, что его окружает, дружелюбное, любопытное, уверенное в себе, сильное, ловкое, уравновешенное и грациозное.
Bengal cat (GCCF)
Scale of Points
Head & Neck 15
Ears 5
Eye Shape & Colour 5
Body 20
Legs & Paws 10
Tail 5
Coat Texture 10
Coat Colour 10
Pattern & Contrast 20
General Type Standard
The Bengal should be alert, friendly and affectionate and in excellent physical condition with a dependable temperament. The Bengal’s wild appearance is enhanced by its distinctive spotted or marbled tabby coat which should be thick and luxurious. The Bengal is a large to medium cat, sleek and muscular with a thick tail which is carried low. The females may be smaller than the males.
Head & Neck Broad medium wedge with rounded contours, slightly longer than it is wide with high cheek bones. The head should be rather small in proportion to the body but not taken to extremes. The profile has a gentle curve from the forehead to the bridge of the nose. The line of the bridge of the nose extends to the nose leather making a very slight concave curve. The nose is large and broad with a slightly puffed nose leather. The muzzle should be full and broad with a rounded, strong chin and pronounced whisker pads created by the widely-set canine teeth. The neck should be thick, muscular and in proportion to the body. Allowance should be made for jowls on adult males.
Ears Medium to small, rather short with a wide base and rounded tips. Set as much on the side as on the top of the head, following the contour of the face in the front view and pointing forward in profile. Light horizontal furnishings are acceptable but ear tufts are undesirable.
Eyes Almost round, oval preferred, large but not bold. Set on a slight slant toward the base of the ear.
Body Long, sleek and muscular. Large to medium and robust with the hindquarters slightly higher than the shoulders, showing depth of flank.
Legs & Paws Legs of medium length, strong and muscular. The hind legs should be a little longer than the front and be more robust. The paws should be large and rounded.
Tail Medium length, thick and even, with a rounded tip; may be tapered towards the end.
Coat Short to medium in length, very dense, luxurious and unusually soft to the touch. Allowances should be made for a slightly longer coat in kittens.
Spotted Pattern
The spectacles which encircle the eyes should preferably extend into vertical streaks which may be outlined by an ‘M’ marking on the forehead. Broken streaks or spots run over the head on either side of a complex scarab marking, down the neck and onto the shoulders where they may break up into rosettes. Rosettes are formed by a part circle of spots around a distinctly lighter centre. Strong, bold chin strap, mascara markings, distinct broken or unbroken necklet(s) and blotchy horizontal shoulder streaks or spots are desirable. Spots may vary in size and shape but should be generally large, well formed and distributed at random, or in horizontal alignment. Contrast with the ground colour should be well defined giving a distinct pattern and a sharp outline to the spots. Rosettes and arrowhead-shaped spots are desirable. These are preferred to single spotting but are not essential. The stomach must be spotted (except in Blue-Eyed Snow kittens). The legs may show broken horizontal lines and/or spots. The tail should have rings, streaks and/or spots along its length, with a solid dark-coloured tip. Spots should not run together vertically forming a mackerel tabby pattern.
Marbled Pattern
The spectacles which encircle the eyes should preferably extend into vertical streaks which may be outlined by an ‘M’ marking on the forehead. Broken streaks run over the head on either side of a complex scarab marking, down the neck and onto the shoulders. Strong, bold chin strap, mascara markings, distinct broken or unbroken necklet(s) and blotchy horizontal shoulder streaks are desirable. There should be a distinct pattern with swirled patches or streaks, clearly defined but not symmetrical, giving the impression of marble, preferably with a horizontal flow. Contrast should be well defined with distinct shapes and sharp outlines. The stomach must be spotted (except in Blue-Eyed Snow kittens). The legs may show broken horizontal lines and/or spots. The tail may be ringed, marbled and/or spotted along its length, with a solid dark-coloured tip. The marbled markings should have as little similarity to the classic tabby as possible. A vertical striped mackerel tabby tendency is also undesirable.
Withhold All Awards for:
1. Aggressive behaviour.
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten Open Classes for:
1. Long, rough or coarse coat
2. Distinctly ticked coat
3. Tail tip not the required colour
4. Whip tail
5. Stomach not spotted (except in Blue-Eyed Snow kittens and Blue-Eyed Silver Snow)
6. Incorrect paw pad colour
7. Oriental head type, e.g. straight profile, large flared ears
8. Burmese head type, e.g. distinct nose break or ‘stop’
9. Cobby or Abyssinian, Burmese or Oriental body type
10. White patches or spots other than those referred to in the Colour descriptions
11. Any defect as listed in the preface to this SOP document.
Стандарт бенгальской кошки (TICA)
Голова небольшая по отношению к телу, по форме широкий модифицированный клин с плавными очертаниями, скорее длинная, чем широкая. Высокие, несколько подчеркнутые скулы. Профиль с легким изгибом на переходе ото лба к носу, область перехода чуть выше уровня глаз. Нос крупный и широкий. Мордочка широкая, с большими, выдающимися подушечками вибрисс.
Уши небольшие, короткие, широкие в основании, с закругленными кончиками. Слегка отведены в стороны, продолжая линию клина головы, при взгляде на профиль кошки видно, что уши направлены вперед. Имеют горизонтально направленные внутренние щетки, кисточки нежелательны.
Глаза овальные, большие, не выпуклые, широко расставлены, чуть косо поставлены.
Шея мощная, мускулистая, длинная, довольно толстая по отношению к голове.
Тело от среднего до крупного размера, довольно длинное, но не настолько растянутое, как у ориенталов. Костяк крепкий. Мускулатура плотная, рельефная.
Ноги средней длины, задние несколько длиннее. Крепкие, мускулистые. Лапы большие, круглые.
Хвост толстый в основании, сужается к закругленному кончику, средней длины.
Шерсть короткая, допускается чуть удлиненная, особенно у котят. Текстура тонкая, плотная и необычайно нежная при касании.
Пятнистый: пятна расположены случайным образом или горизонтально, без тенденции к вертикальной полосатости. Розетки предпочтительнее простых пятен. Живот в пятнах. Желательны горизонтальные разводы на плечах.
Марбль (Мраморный): сложные разводы, ориентированные горизонтально, без тенденции к вертикальной полосатости. Желательно наличие в окрасе трех оттенков; фон, собственно рисунок (темнее фона), более темная вторичная окантовка рисунка. Живот в пятнах.